Friday, December 30, 2011

John Muir High School Supports Silencio

We hope that "Silencio The Bully Project" is going to be a film that ignites a movement. There is so much need out there across the nation—to organize, to have a way of creating a voice for families that are struggling with this issue. We envision school-hall meetings across the country, where the film is able to spark a conversation that is honest and real but it doesn't emerge out of crisis. I think all too often when people talk about bullying, it's because there is death or some act of violence and everyone has their backs up. I think if we are able to enter into this community with the right partners I think we can have a huge impact. The goal is to just build this massive movement that has tools and that has actionable activity that can really help community, family and individuals deal with this issue in a concrete way.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

John Muir HS Supports Silencio

Silencio Internship set to start immediately with John Muir High School. "Kids who have been bullied expressing themselves through film is amazing", said one student intern. With your generous gift we can make a real difference in a child's life. Classrooms succeed through community partnership.This connection is powerful and you can be part of it.