Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays to all my friends and loved ones...

I just wanted to send out a quick message during this season to remind you to take time from all the typical rush to keep in mind the true value of what the holidays represent; to connect with your family; to count the many blessings you have in your life; to celebrate all your accomplishments for the year, whether great or small; to remember all the wonderful lessons you've learned, even if they came disguised as challenges; and to maybe most importantly take some time for yourself and reflect upon your dreams, intentions and values for the new year.

Happy holidays,

James Arthur Ray
James Ray International, Inc.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


As you may know, an undercover exposé of IHOP's egg supplier documented shocking cruelty. Many thousands of consumers have since asked IHOP to move away from this extreme form of confinement by using cage-free eggs. IHOP's competitors like Denny's, Burger King, and Wendy's are moving away from battery cage eggs, but IHOP still only uses eggs from hens confined in cages so small they can't even spread their wings.

Because of IHOP’s refusal to move on this vital issue, The HSUS is airing its first television commercial exposing IHOP's animal cruelty.

Even if you've taken action in the past, please make a brief, polite phone call to IHOP letting them know you just watched our commercial and you want them to start switching to cage-free eggs: 1-866-444-5144.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Celebrate your loved ones

I want to share a success story with you today. The Humane Society of the United States recently stepped in to save a group of more than 50 feral cats on San Nicolas Island, Calif. We worked alongside the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Navy, and other government agencies to make this happen.

Today, thanks to the very generous support of, these cats are exploring their new home at our Ramona, Calif., pet shelter, which was dedicated in November

All animals are worth celebrating and protecting.

T. Yardenne

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


"Life is short, forgive sooner, love with true love, laugh without control and always keep smiling.

Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance....."


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Magnificent Self

"It is safe to look within. As I move through the layers of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being, wise and beautiful. I love what I see in me."

Louise L. Hays

My Magnificent Self

"It is safe to look within. As I move through the layers of other people's opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being, wise and beautiful. I love what I see in me."

Louise L. Hays

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Tamirs Animal Rescue League is working to bring about a time when homeless, abandon animals are no longer put down in shelters but given a second chance at a forever home.

We are a community of compassionate caregivers, volunteers, and friends dedicated to creating a platform to improve the health and well-being of companion animals by inspiring communities around the globe to be a vehicle for change. Our number one goal is to help unwanted animals find loving and permanent homes. The league's screening process is designed to ensure the 'best match" between an animal and adoption applicant.

Tamirs Animal Rescue League is a non-profit organization that continues to augment lifesaving and life-inspiring programs including Tyson's Haven House, a public educating program and a referral service designed to keep pets who already have homes in them.